Terms and conditions

The Historically Informed Summer School is run under the auspices of 20,000 Voices Ltd, Registered Charity No. 1073394; Registered Company No. 3550680.


Fees and Refund Policy
All fees include a non-refundable deposit of £75.

If you need to cancel, and if written cancellation is received prior to the closing of booking, a full or partial refund may be possible, less the deposit amount.
Full fees are required to be paid by the published closing date. No refunds are made after this date.

If you cancel after this date, you will still be liable for the fees. You are advised to take out travel or other appropriate insurance to cover any loss should you be unable to attend HISS.

In exceptional circumstances only a part refund or deferment may be made, on written application.

Please note that the HISS Trustees reserve the right to amend the fees and discounts offered.

Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted to attend the Summer School in any capacity.


1. Use of the Historically Informed Summer School (HISS) website (www.hiss.org.uk)

1.1 By using and/or visiting the HISS website you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.

1.2 HISS may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these terms and conditions and any related policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits.

2. Conditions of Booking

2.1 Each applicant must fully complete the online application form. Completion of the application form commits you to payment of the full course fees and signifies your agreement to these terms and conditions. All course fees include a £75 non-refundable deposit.

2.2 HISS uses photographic images of course participants in publicity and PR material. By submitting an application, you are giving your consent for these images to be used.

2.3 HISS encourages informal music-making and the formation of chamber ensembles throughout the duration of the course. Please let us know if you would not like to share your email and voice/instrument details with other participants and tutors in advance of the course. 

2.4 Online payment is via PayPal or Stripe and only full fee payments are accepted. Prices include a £75 non-refundable deposit. Confirmation of acceptance on the course will only be sent once payment is complete.

2.5 To book at the "Early Bird" discounted rate, the full balance of fees must be received on or before the “Early Bird” closing date published in the brochure and on the website (usually mid - late April). Otherwise the full rate balance of fees must be received on or before the final closing date (usually early - mid June). Beyond this date, your place cannot be guaranteed unless full payment has been received.

2.6 If you have been accepted on the course and we are advised of your cancellation before the final closing date, we will retain the £75 deposit but return any additional payment made. If you cancel on or after the final closing date, the full fee is forfeited unless we can replace you from a waiting list or you can find a suitable substitute, in which cases only the deposit will be retained by us.  No refunds can be made after the final closing date.  We strongly recommend that you take out insurance to cover cancellation costs.

2.7 If we cannot initially accept you for the course we will put your name on a waiting list and hold your payment. If a place becomes available we will notify you, and condition 2.5 (above) will take effect. If you have been put on the waiting list you may withdraw at any time and your full payment will be returned, either at the time of cancellation or soon after the course, as you prefer. Please tell us if you decide to withdraw from the waiting list.

2.9 Neither HISS nor the venue can be held liable for loss of or damage to your personal property. You are advised to insure your own instruments and valuables.

2.10 HISS reserves the right to vary without notice the tutors, performers, course details and programmes.

3. Online Workshop Guidelines and Safeguarding

3.1 Familiarise yourself with how to switch your camera on / off, and how to mute / unmute your microphone. Please mute your microphone whilst other another person is playing or talking, and keep your video turned on throughout the session. Please do not record sessions.

3.2 Be sure to wear appropriate clothing and consider that your surroundings will be captured on camera; ensure that the location you are broadcasting from is free from explicit, personal, sensitive or controversial content.

3.3 Attendees must be over the age of 18 at the time of the online course. Attendees under the age of 18 must have a guardian present, who is able to see the screen at all times.

3.4 Obey the standard rules of online safety regarding sharing of personal information — never share passwords or personal details.

4. Linking

4.1 Historically Informed Summer School may have links to other websites. HISS is not responsible for the contents, nor does it warrant the accuracy or reliability of any linked website. HISS, to the extent permissible by law, excludes all liability which may arise from your use or reliance on the information contained in the linked site.

5. Copyright

5.1 The copyright in the contents of this website is owned by HISS or its licensors. The text and images contained in this website belong to HISS and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You can print or download any part of these text and images for personal use only and any copies must retain the copyright or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material. Any other use could lead to action or breach of copyright. No part of this site may be reproduced by any process without written permission from HISS.

6. Data protection

HISS is committed to protecting your privacy. See our Privacy Policy.

7. Disclaimer

7.1 HISS has tried to ensure that the contents and information it provides in this website is accurate at the time of posting. Unfortunately it cannot guarantee the accuracy of contents or information contained in its pages and any person using information contained in them does so entirely at their own risk.

7.2 When using the site, you may gain access to other websites through use of links or hypertext. You agree that HISS is not responsible for the content or operation of such third party websites and that HISS shall have no liability to you or any other person or entity for the use of such third party websites.

7.3 HISS disclaims all liability to you arising out of your use of the service.

8. Virus protection

8.1 Although care is taken to check and test material at all stages of production, HISS cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this website.

9. Governing law

9.1 These terms and conditions of use and your use of the services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in connection with all matters relating to these terms and conditions of use.

If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us.