Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn’t answered below, please email us at


How long can I stay for?

Attendance on the course is for five days (four nights) - arriving on Monday afternoon and departing on Friday afternoon. If you would like to extend your stay on campus this can usually be arranged direct with the venue.


I'm having problems booking. Please help!

Step 1: Click on the button below, labelled ‘booking form’, fill out your form and click ‘submit’. We require a separate booking form for each person attending the course.

Step 2: Please pay the amount for your chosen booking option, via one of the available routes. BACs is our preferred method of payment, as we do not have to pay additional transaction fees, helping us to keep our course fees lower. If you are unable to pay through BACs, you can pay for your chosen booking option through the website, using PayPal or Stripe.

Please note if transferring via BACs - our account details have changed from last year. Our new details are shown below.

Step 3: Confirmation of place. Once you have submitted your booking form and completed payment via your preferred method, you will then receive a confirmation email from Please allow up to 1 week for our team to check these have been received. If you still have not received confirmation after this period, please email Eli at

What's included in the course fees?

  • Tuition and workshops
  • Printed music
  • Musical banquet
  • Refreshments and evening meals on campus
  • En-suite accommodation for four nights and breakfast (for residents only)

What happens once I've made a booking?

Once both your booking form and payment have been processed you will receive an email confirming your place on this year's course. You will then receive an email around early August with final details for the course. This will include information on arrival times, practical details, facilities and music. You will also receive further information on arrival, including site maps, emergency numbers and meal times.

How and when can I pay?

Visit our booking page to make a payment. If you are unable to pay online, please contact us to arrange an alternative method. 'Early bird' fees must be paid before the 15th April and for general booking the remaining balance must be paid before the close of booking in June. A deposit of £70 is included in your booking.


All fees include a non-refundable deposit of £75.

If you need to cancel, and if written cancellation is received prior to the closing of booking, a full or partial refund may be possible, less the deposit amount. Full fees are required to be paid by the published closing date. No refunds are made after this date.

If you cancel after this date, you will still be liable for the fees. You are advised to take out travel or other appropriate insurance to cover any loss should you be unable to attend HISS.

In exceptional circumstances only a part refund or deferment may be made, on written application.

Please note that the HISS Trustees reserve the right to amend the fees and discounts offered.

Please head to the Terms and Conditions page to read the full policy.


What standard is the music?

The music on the course is designed to integrate players of all abilities and for the most part is of a standard suitable to all players - both beginner and experienced. Some classes may be more appropriate for certain standard players than others, but these are always included in the description and often there will be similar classes run alongside one another that cater for different abilities, e.g. the two recorder progressives.

I can only read one clef. Will there be a part for me?

If you require music in a specific clef, please do get in touch and this can be arranged. If you play tenor viol for example and can't read alto clef, we can arrange for your parts to be only in treble.

To read or not to read?

The course requires at least a basic knowledge of music. Some classes may introduce you to a new musical genre which you perhaps haven't previously experienced. We welcome musicians of all ages, although people under 16 MUST be accompanied by an adult.

HISS is for singers and players who read from notation. HISS is for singers and players who do not read, but learn by ear.

The brochure asks you to be able to sight-read straightforward music (at least slowly), but also to be able to master easy traditional tunes by ear. How can we serve both those who are proficient readers, and those who work entirely by an intuitive ear?

There will be a series of (progressive) sessions through the course for both singers and players based on written notated pieces, assuming a reading competency, working on style and interpretation of a range of repertoire.

Equally, there will be a series of sessions for those who do not read, learning repertoire by ear, also for both singers and players.

It will be possible for anyone to follow either route exclusively, but to do so would be to miss the point of HISS! We hope to encourage everyone to step outside their comfort zone - just a little, and in the most supportive way!

Whether written out, or improvised, there are techniques and conventions that apply to different styles, periods and genres - this is part of what the tuition will cover, as well as offering advice, examples, guidelines and encouragement to you to build on your own knowledge and experience.

If I read / don't read, how will I cope?

One of the ways we will achieve this, for players, for example, is exploration of Playford's 'The Dancing Master', or 'The Division Violin' or 'The Division Flute' - these collections share much of the same or similar material. Divisions, of course, are effectively improvised variations, often over a ground bass. Such variations may be both written down and improvised. The ground bass may have a simple harmonic pattern, which repeats. This can be picked up by ear. The ability to transform a simple harmonic or melodic pattern into an amazing flight of fancy is limited only by your imagination and technical ability!

Similarly for voices, to embellish a vocal line, be it a folk song or a piece of plainchant, with ornaments, harmonies, etc can make the same sort of transformation. Whether written out, or improvised, there are techniques and conventions that apply to different styles, periods and genres - this is part of what the tuition will cover, as well as offering advice, examples, guidelines and encouragement to you to build on your own knowledge and experience.

It has to be admitted that in recent years the majority of attendees at HISS are able to read. However, the folk classes with Hazel Askew and John Dipper are always directed at non-readers learning by ear.

Do I need to bring my own music?

For some courses, music is provided. For others, you may need to obtain the music in advance or when you arrive. Full details of this will be included in the music list sent to all participants in August. We encourage participants to bring their own music to perform and workshop in masterclasses or ad hoc sessions. However, please do bring a music stand!

What instrument(s) should I bring?

HISS is open to all singers & players of wind, string, plucked and keyboard instruments (folk, period & modern). Course pitch is A=440 Hz. Big recorders are especially welcome! Don’t feel you can’t come because you haven’t got the ‘right’ instrument! You don't need to own a period instrument to take part - it’s more about how you play it.


Where can I get an overview of HISS?

Read the reviews left by previous holders of the HISS Student Bursary, which give a good overall picture of what HISS offers. You can also see images from previous years in our Gallery Archive.

What are the start and end times for the course?

On the Monday, registration will be between 2pm-4pm and the course will finish at approximately 4pm on the Friday.

What happens in a day?

A typical day may start with a warm-up session, with several different options on offer. There are three sessions in the day, the first one will concentrate more on technical aspects of your instrument or voice, or explore aspects of repertoire, style, genre, etc. These will be progressive, ie, you will be expected to attend the same progressive each day, to derive most benefit. You will sign up for the progressive of your choice in advacne of attending the course.

The second and third sessions will be for various ensembles & consorts, some of these may be mixed consorts, jointly led underlining the common ground between folk and early music, some of these may also be progressive (ie 2-3 linked sessions). There will also be one-off (elective) sessions, eg. to 'try a viol', etc. These may be signed up for daily, allowing you the flexibity to build your own course through the week - a unique feature of HISS.

In addition to the three sessions mentnioed above, there will also be large group sessions, called 'Polysembles' (usually in the evening), working on different repertoire, enabling all members of the course to take part in something all together - another important feature of HISS. These rehearsals may include separate sectionals to allow those on less familiar ground to feel as able as others to be part of this. Previous examples of this repertoire have included, eg, large scale motets for voices, strings, wind and brass by Monteverdi, Cavalli and Croce, choruses and dances from 'The Beggar's Opera', Purcell's music to John Fletcher's play 'Bonduca' and Praetorius' Polyhymnia Caduceatrix et Panegyrica.

The period after lunch is available to explore the locality, rest or practice. It is an opportunity for informal music making, and some optional sessions may also run during this time.

The day customarily ends with 'sessions' in the bar, familiar to all folk musicians, open to all, and usually based on the HISS Tunebook, a very popular feature of HISS.


Is HISS for me?

Professional musician? - HISS is the perfect place especially for early career musicians in early music to hone your skills and make new contacts.

Amateurs / enthusiast? - You'll love the opportunity to play and perform with professionals. You can choose to stretch yourself or work in your comfort zone. The HISS experience can be as relaxed or as intense as you want to make it, and is always very sociable.

Students? - You'll enjoy and benefit from the experience of working with our world-class tutors. A small number of Student HISS Helper places under the HISS Student Bursary Scheme, offering very substantial student discounts.

Families? - HISS is wonderful if you are looking for a holiday with a difference.

On your own? - You'll make new friends, find the welcome warm and the company inspiring. Mealtimes are very sociable and you’ll quickly find yourself getting to know people on the classes you are doing.

In a group? - The diversity of our programme means we have something for everyone, so everyone in your group can be tailored for.