Pick and Mix Sessions

These are the other classes that you can sign up to on the day. Unlike progressives, you can ‘pick and mix’ which classes you want to go to throughout the week and therefore can experience a wide range of activities with different tutors, depending on your preferences. Most of these sessions last around 1 hour and 20 minutes, unless otherwise specified on the sign-up sheets (for example if it is a two-parter you will be expected to attend both parts).

Pick and mix sessions for 2025 will be updated as bookings come in and the balance and preferences of participants are noted.

Please check back or get in touch for the most recent information

There will be another major project with Robert Hollingworth for 2025!

details to follow

Ballads, Divisions and Grounds

For Plucked Strings, Bowed Strings, Wind and Voice

‘More than a mash-up.’ Exploring ways to fillet a ballad, season with divisions and serve on a complimentary, well-seasoned bed of ground bass. Precise repertoire to be announced in due course.

With Mary Tyers and Lynda Sayce

Gibbons: Cries of London (Part 1)

For Mezzo-Soprano and Baritone voices, Bowed and Blown Instruments

A contribution to the celebration of Gibbons’ 400th Birthday with a transcription (by Mary) of this humorous and spirited piece, for mezzo-soprano and baritone voice(s), bowed & blown instruments. Parts available in treble, alto & bass clefs as appropriate, check with Mary for range.

With Mary Tyers

Dowland Songs

For Lutes, Viols and Voices

Two sessions on Dowland songs. Whilst these are self-contained (one song per session), it would be ideal for those attending the first to also attend the second, so that similar forces are available. 

With Lynda Sayce and Alison Kinder

Roman Ouvertures and Suites

For Woodwind and Strings

A chance to explore the more complex settings of Roman with wind parts.

With Anne Marie Christensen and Catherine Strachan

Using the Fiddle to Make Accompaniments

For Strings

Breath new life into a tune, lift a performance and push the boundaries of a tune with these techniques. 

With John Dipper

Learning By Ear

For all Instruments

Looking at how to pick up a tune in a session, or to do something meaningful if the tune is out of reach.

With John Dipper

Renaissance Dance Music

For all Instruments

A selection of dances from sixteenth century French and Italian publications, suitable for all instruments, including bagpipes and hurdy gurdy. Easy reading of some lively repertoire, mostly in four part harmony.

With Tim Bayley

Facsimile Reading

For all Instruments

Back by popular demand: an opportunity to dip your toe into the world of original notation. Richard Thomas & Claire McIntyre will run a session focussing on Lieto godea (from 1587 Concerti) Giovanni Gabrieli (in 8 parts) reading facsimile alongside modern notation - for all instruments. (knowledge of clefs preferable)

With Richard Thomas and Claire McIntyre

Recorder Big Band

For all sizes of Recorders

A magnificent 3 choir ‘Magnificat’ by Zielenski (pub. 1611). At 8’ or octave doubled if enough tenor, bass, great bass and contra bass players OR Duo Seraphin in 3 choirs by Hassler (pub. 1591). A sumptuous motet setting of this heavenly text. At 8’ or octave doubled if enough tenor, bass, great bass and contra bass players.

With Rebecca Austen-Brown and Mary Tyers

To Arms!

For Wind and Brass

Join the Picards, Bourginons, Scaramella and L'Hom arme for this foray into La Bataglia. Wind and brass essential for an exploration of familiar and less well known renaissance musical warfare.

With Tim Bayley

O Clap Your Hands

For all Strings and Voices

Celebrating the 400th anniversary of the death of Orlando Gibbons we look at his 8-part anthem O Clap Your Hands, and maybe some other treats too!

With Anne Marie Christensen, Catherine Strachan, and Alison Kinder

Folk Collab

For all Strings

More details to follow

With Anne Marie Christensen, Catherine Strachan, and John Dipper

Sea Shanties

For Voices

Come and learn a couple of sea shanties and have a go at adding harmonies.

With Hazel Askew

Learning By Ear

For all Instruments

Ways in and tips for developing your learning by ear skills. We'll look at a couple of simple tunes and try out some easy tools for picking up the melodies by listening.

With Hazel Askew

Renaissance Big Band

For Wind, Brass and Strings

An exploration of music from the Renaissance, including works by Jakob Handl.

With Richard Thomas, Claire McIntyre Tim Bayley


For Recorders, Winds and Brass

Working on 8-part music by birthday boy, Palestrina.

With Rebecca Austen-Brown, Richard Thomas and Claire McIntyre