Booking for HISS 2025
Booking Info
Booking Options:
We regret that we have had to increase prices this year. We have been grateful to our venue, Bishop Burton College, for absorbing the price rises that we have all experienced over the past four years since COVID and other factors.
Resident = £615 (with early bird discount £575)
Includes all tuition, ensuite accommodation for 4 nights and meals (breakfast, refreshments and evening meals).
Non-resident = £450
Includes all tuition, refreshments and evening meals (accommodation and breakfast are not included).
Non-participant (partner/carer) = £400
Includes ensuite accommodation for 4 nights and meals (breakfast, refreshments and evening meals).
Early Bird discount booking closes on the 19th April 2025
General booking closes on the 14th June 2025.
All fees include a £75 non-refundable deposit. If you are unable to pay the fee in full at the time of booking, please ensure that the £75 deposit is paid to guarantee your place on the course. The remainder of your balance must then be paid before the booking deadline.
Please note: To be eligible for the early bird discount, the full balance must be paid by the 19th April 2025, otherwise you will be required to pay the general booking fee, even if you originally booked within the ‘early bird’ booking period.
If you would like to book extra nights, either on the Sunday before, or the Friday that the course finishes, please do so directly with Bishop Burton College.
To Book:
Step 1: Click on the button below, labelled ‘booking form’, fill out your form and click ‘submit’. We require a separate booking form for each person attending the course.
Step 2: Please pay the amount for your chosen booking option, via one of the available routes.
BACs is our preferred method of payment, as we do not have to pay additional transaction fees, helping us to keep our course fees lower.
If you are unable to pay by BACs, you can pay for your chosen booking option through the website, using PayPal or credit card (operated by Stripe).
Please note if transferring via BACs - please note our account details:
Account name: 20,000 Voices
Account number: 46184416 Sort code: 23-05-80
Step 3: Confirmation of place. Once you have submitted your booking form and completed payment via your preferred method, you will then receive a confirmation email from hissenquiries@gmail.com. Please allow up to 2 weeks for our team to check these have been received (especially if paying by PayPal or credit card). If you still have not received confirmation after this period, please email us at hissenquiries@gmail.com.
Book Here
Paying via BACs
Please send the correct value of your chosen option(s), using the participant’s name as reference to:
Account name: 20,000 Voices
Account number: 46184416
Sort code: 23-05-80
Paying via the website
Please select your chosen option(s) from the selection below, which will be added to your cart. This will appear as an orange square in the bottom right corner of your screen. When ready to pay, simply click it and follow the prompts to pay through the website using PayPal or Stripe.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Confirmation of booking
Thank you for booking a place on this year’s course!
We will check that we have received both your booking form and payment and will then send you an email confirming your booking. Please allow 2 weeks for our team to get in touch.
Please ensure you read the Terms and Conditions of your booking.
All fees include a non-refundable deposit of £75. If you need to cancel, and if written cancellation is received prior to the closing of booking, a full or partial refund may be possible, less the deposit amount. For more information, see our Terms and Conditions.
All rooms are single study bedrooms. Children under 16 MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Applicants from outside the UK should check the UK Borders Agency for up-to-date information about visa requirements.
Please note that during busy periods it may take a couple of weeks for your booking to be processed and confirmed.
Regardless of booking method, your booking is not confirmed until you receive a letter or email to this effect.
All bookings are processed in the order in which they are received.